
####O#### Carl's
###/|\### Portfolio
###/ \###

Welcome to my portfolio! My name is Carl and I like to program cool websites,
have a look around my portfolio.

List of commands:
-- 'help', see commands again
-- 'time', see the current time
-- 'projects'/'ls', see some of my projects
-- 'photos', to enter my photography Portfolio
-- 'clear', to clear the screen

carl's_code_portfolio@user:~$ -

Pictures -

Rockets - youtube

About me - CV

Hello! my name is Carl and i like photography and coding here is a bit of a CV if you are interested in hiring me!

Python - 2 years
Javascript - 1 year
HTML/CSS - 2 years
C++ - 2 months
Java - 3 years

Windows - 11 years
Linux (kali and ubuntu server) - 1 year
Lightroom - 2 years
Photoshop - 2 years
Microsoft Office - 3 years

Photographer for Balen 2024
Pr-officer for student council 2 years
Domestic services (summer job/partime)

I hope this sounds interesing and if you want to get in contact send me a mail!

Current time



This website is built for computers with a keyboard, but if you are interested in viewing some of my projects check out the links below.




About me